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I Can Dream Anything!

After listening to the song, 'I Can Do Anything', students discuss services that people in the community perform. This lesson...
Key Concepts: Choice, Specialization

Tricks for Treats

Students will recognize that people (and animals) will work for incentives.
Key Concepts: Choice, Incentive

What Do You Want To Be?

In this lesson, students have the opportunity to explore various jobs and decide what they might want to be when...
Key Concepts: Fiscal Policy, GDP, Real vs. Nominal

An Entreduction

This lesson illustrates the differences between inventions and innovations. It discusses what entrepreneurs are and their role with inventions and...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Entrepreneurs, Investing…

The Economics of the Family Farm

Learn about the status of farming as a career, investigate the management of a family farm, and examine one recent...
Key Concepts: Demand, Division of Labor/Specialization, Goods and Services…

Hey, Mom! What's for Breakfast?

Students working in cooperative groups will discuss food items they consume for breakfast, investigate elements of foreign culture, particularly food,...
Key Concepts: Consumers, Goods and Services, Producers


All resources are limited. It is this simple fact--scarcity--that forces us to make decisions. When we do make a choice,...
Key Concepts: Choice, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Goods and Services…

Goods & Services (All Seasons)

In this economics activity, you will learn about goods and services via drag and drop classification.
Key Concepts: Consumers, Goods and Services