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Credit Decisions Video and Quiz

In this personal finance video, students will learn about credit and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Credit, Goods and Services, Interest

Insurance Video and Quiz

In this personal finance video, students will learn about insurance and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Insurance, Risk and Return

Money Management/Budgeting Video and Quiz

In this personal finance video, students will learn how to budget and manage their money and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Saving and Investing, Scarcity

Policy Perspectives on Social Security

In Policy Perspectives on Social Security, a digital interactive activity, students think critically about Social Security policy choices from the...
Key Concepts: Credit, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Scarcity

FRED and the Federal Budget Interactive Lesson

Students will use a Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) data dashboard to calculate budget deficits, surpluses, how much federal budgets...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Budget Deficit, Budget Surplus…

Beatrice's Goat

This lesson from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' EconLowdown site teaches students what it means to save and...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Saving

AP Microeconomics - When Markets Fail

This lesson supports the Market Failure and the Role of Government section of the Advanced Placement Microeconomics curriculum. Students need...
Key Concepts: Market Structures, Negative Externality, Roles of Government

AP Microeconomics - Monopoly

This lesson supports the Theory of the Firm section of the Advanced Placement Microeconomics curriculum. Students will learn in this...
Key Concepts: Demand, Market Structures

AP Macroeconomics - Net Exports and Capital Flows

This lesson supports the Open Economy: International Trade and Finance section of the Advanced Placement Macroeconomics course. This lesson introduces...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade, Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Economic Institutions…

AP Macroeconomics - The Deficit and the Debt

This lesson supports the Inflation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies section of the Advanced Placement Macroeconomics course. It introduces government budget...
Key Concepts: Budget Deficit, Budget Deficits and Public Debt, Budget Surplus…