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I Can Be an Entrepreneur

In this personal finance lesson, students explore entrepreneurship by earning money and advertising their business. Learners are given advice on...
Key Concepts: Entrepreneurs, Profit

Where Did That Pencil Come From?

In this economics lesson, students will research natural resources and illustrate how they are used to provide goods and services.
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Productive Resources

All About Prices

In this economics lesson, students will explain how prices are set for goods and services.
Key Concepts: Markets and Prices

Owning a Car

In this personal finance lesson, students will analyze the cost of owning a car and decide what they can afford.
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Goods and Services
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Managing Risk

In this personal finance lesson, students will understand the costs and benefits of the key types of insurance. 
Key Concepts: Insurance
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Don't Be Scammed

In this personal finance lesson, students will review tips to avoid being scammed, and learn where to report scams.
Key Concepts: Risk
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What is Credit?

In this personal finance lesson, students will learn the advantages and disadvantages of using credit.
Key Concepts: Credit, Interest, Risk and Return
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Consumer Credit Protection

In this personal finance lesson, students will receive an overview of legal protection for those using consumer credit.
Key Concepts: Credit
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Managing Your Money

In this personal finance lesson, students will practice making budgeting decisions for a young family.
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis
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Making Credit Choices

In this personal finance lesson, students will examine five hypothetical cases to learn about credit.
Key Concepts: Credit
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All About Interest

In this personal finance lesson, students will compaire the costs of loans and credit options to learn about loan repayment.
Key Concepts: Interest
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Choosing a Career

In this personal finance lesson, students will evaluate careers to learn what career suits them.
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis
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There Is No Free Lunch in Investing

In this personal finance lesson, students will learn about five types of risk in the modern investment world. 
Key Concepts: Financial Investments, Financial Markets, Risk and Return…
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Shopping for a Credit Card

In this personal finance lesson, students will make informed choices when choosing and using credit cards.
Key Concepts: Credit, Interest