Grades K-2
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There are many ways in which people are rewarded or penalized for doing, or not doing, their work. These are known as “incentives.”
Economic incentives are the additional rewards or penalties people receive from engaging in more or less of a particular activity. Understanding rewards and penalties helps people to make the choices they need to make in order to achieve their goals. Rewards (like money and praise) usually leads to people doing more of something; penalties (like being punished or being taxed) usually leads people to do less of something.
Often, businesses try to encourage people to buy more of their products by offering rewards such as prizes (like the toys in McDonald’s Happy Meals). These are positive incentives. Sometimes our government tries to keep people from doing things such as smoking by taxing cigarettes . These are negative incentives.
Today we are going to start imaginary businesses. You will need to decide what kind of business you want to start, what employment positions you will need to fill, and what kind of incentives you will have for employees. So let’s get started!
Students will be working as a whole class to identify ways in which students are given “incentives” to do work. The students work on the activity below, building a business and planning how to encourage workers with incentives.
Teachers should introduce the concept of positive and negative incentives with the class as a whole-group by asking:
Generate a list of the incentives on chart-paper. After the students have brainstormed about 15 different incentives, have them circle the rewards or “positive incentives” in green and circle the penalties or “negative incentives” in red.
Have the students count the number of “green” and “red” cards in their own individual imaginary business plan. Discuss the following questions:
Learning Advice
To address the needs of the youngest students, teachers should provide detailed examples of incentives which demonstrate that “people respond to incentives in predictable ways.” To make incentives relevant to students’ personal lives, teachers can have students share ways in which they have been influenced by both positive and negative incentives.
As a conclusion, have students define positive and negative incentives and identify positive and negative incentives in their classroom. Are there any positive and negative incentives related to:
After all students have completed the interactive activity, have pairs of students swap printouts of business plans with other pairs of students to solicit comments on which incentives would be most effective and which would not. Students should write their names and responses on the back of the business plan. Teachers can then review the plans and comments to determine understanding of the content.
Grades K-2
Grades K-2, 3-5
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12