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Grade 6-8, 9-12

Interactive National Budget Simulator

Updated: January 3 2022,

Adjust the numbers in this interactive to see if you can balance the budget. This interactive is intended for use with our National Budget Simulation lesson plan.

National Budget Simulation

Use the pull-down menus to adjust the amount of money spent on each of the listed functions. The changes you make are automatically calulcated and displayed in the Spending and Revenue Summary tables.

Note: Numbers are in Billions of dollars.

Total Spending By Function

Function 2017 % Change New
{{ x.Function }} ${{ x.Number }}
${{ (x.Number * x.percent.value) | number:1 }}
Total Spending ${{ sum1 | number:1 }} ${{ sum2 | number:1 }}

Total Revenue By Source

Source 2017
{{ y.Source }} ${{ y.Number }}
Total Revenues ${{ getSum2() | number:1 }}

Total Revenue By Source

2017 New Totals
Total Revenues ${{ getSum2() | number:1 }} ${{ getSum2() | number:1 }}
Total Spending ${{ sum1 | number:1 }} ${{ sum2 | number:1 }}
Current Budget Deficit $ {{(getSum2() - sum1) | number:1}} New Deficit:      $ {{(getSum2() - sum2) | number:1}}