Grades 9-12
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Students will identify positive and negative economic incentives used in their communities to encourage people to make CHOICES beneficial to the community. Students will recognize that not all incentives convince all people, since people have different views and values.
Illustrate the idea of incentives by having students draw on their own experiences with how incentives have influenced them by asking such questions as: Have you ever purchased a kids meal just to get the toy? Or have you ever purchased a box of cereal because of the prize inside? Next, discuss the following terms with your students:
Economic Incentives are offered to influence our behavior.
Let’s learn about Economic incentives in our community!
Teachers should introduce the concept of incentives with the EconEdlink lesson titled "Incentives Influence Us." Before beginning this lesson, do a quick review on incentives, positive incentives, rewards, negative incentives, penalties and how they are used to influence our behavior.
Activity 1: What Are Economic Incentives?
Economic incentives are offered to encourage people to make certain choices or behave in a certain way. They usually involve money, but they can also involve goods and services.
Positive economic incentives leave you better off if you do what was asked of you. These incentives benefit you in some way. They reward you with money or some sort of financial gain such as a better price, a free item, or an upgraded item. Coupons, sales, freebies, discounts, and rewards can be positive economic incentives. They are called positive because they are associated with things many people would like to get.
Negative incentives leave you worse off financially by making you pay money. These incentives cost you money. Fines, fees, and tickets can be negative economic incentives. They are called negative because they are things you don't want to get.
Think about It!
Economic Incentives use money to:
You will only get the economic incentive if you make the required choice or behave in the way that you are asked. You might be influenced by the incentive, but you still must make a choice.
Activity 2: Who Offers Economic Incentives and Why?
Businesses often use economic incentives to encourage people to come and do business with them. Offering incentives is one way to get customers to choose to come and spend money at a business.
Government agencies also use economic incentives, but they usually do it to encourage certain behaviors in people. Offering incentives is one way the government tries to get people to behave responsibly.
Activity 3: Let's See What You Have Learned!
Can you figure out who might be offering the incentive and tell why?
Click here to print up an Economic Incentives Worksheet. [Answers to Worksheet]
Time for Review
Let's see what you have learned about economic incentives.
Click here to play Interactive Tic Tac Toe – What Do You Know?
Think about It!
[NOTE: Tell the students to write their answers to the questions on a sheet of paper and be prepared to share their answers with the rest of the class.]
The discussion should mention that since all people value and believe different things, they will have different reactions to incentives. Therefore, not all incentives will work for all people.
Use the students’ worksheets and participation in small group work and class discussion to determine if they are able to identify positive and negative economic incentives in our community, explain why they are used, and understand that not all incentives will work for all people.
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12