Grades 9-12
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Students will demonstrate understanding of the processes associated with banking by role- playing as customers, tellers, and guards.
Banks are very important. Just like a piggy bank or penny jar, banks are places where we can save our money, keep track of how much we have, and keep it safe.
Have you ever been to a bank? Perhaps you went with your mom or dad, maybe on a day you were off from school, like a snow-day or school vacation. Did you notice all the different people working in the bank? Most people keep their money in banks, in what are called "bank accounts." Any one bank can have the accounts of thousands of people in it! This means that a bank needs to have lots of workers doing many different kinds of jobs. Can you think of what some of those jobs might be?
Today we are going to create our own bank here in class. Everyone will get to put his or her coins into a special place in the bank. This is called “opening a bank account.” Some of you will be bank “tellers.” These are the people that help the customers with their bank accounts. Some of you will play security guards, helping to protect the money in the bank. Some of you will also be greeters and custodians, helping to welcome the customers and keep the bank clean.
You can start the lesson with a brief discussion of interest and why banks might want to pay to use a person’s money. Use these questions to start the discussion.
This discussion will lead well into the activities of the lesson.
Step 1 – Create the Bank
Work with your students to arrange the furniture in the classroom so that it simulates bank lobby. [Some teacher’s may find providing legal tender to all students an impediment to the pursuit of this lesson. Please note that play money, candy, or plastic chips can easily be substituted.]
Step 2 – Hire the Employees
Step 3 – Opening the Accounts: Customers
[At this point, you will need to have distributed everyone’s allotment of coins.]
Step 4 – Opening the Accounts: Tellers
Step 5 – Guarding the Money
Inform the student that:
Step 6 – Greeters and Custodians
Class Discussion:
Banks are very important in our society and that means bank workers are important too! What job did you do? Did you understand your responsibilities? Did you enjoy it? Were you polite to the customer?
Without customers, we wouldn’t need banks. You all played bank customers. Did you understand how to open a bank account? Were you polite to the teller?
Observe and monitor students' behavior during the banking activity and take note of their participation in the follow-up discussion. Make sure that all students demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of banking, the roles of bank employees, and the importance of politeness in business interactions.
Take note of each student's performance in the Money in the Bank activity (see Resources). Offer assistance and assess results as appropriate.
Grades 9-12
Grades K-2, 3-5
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12