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The National Economics Challenge (NEC) is the country’s only economics competition of its kind for high school students. It tests micro and macroeconomic principles as well as knowledge of the world economy. 

This motivating and fun team learning experience begins with competitions at the state level. This motivating and fun team learning experience begins with competitions at the state level. The winning teams from each state move on to the National Semi-Finals to compete for their spot in the National Finals. The top teams in the semi-finals will advance and receive an all-expense paid trip to compete in the National Finals in New York City this spring. The 2024 National Economics Challenge semi-finals will take place April 22-26, 2024. The finals will be hosted in New York, NY on June 1-3, 2024. For spring 2024, the National Semi-Finals will be held online. The teams advancing to the National Finals will travel to New York City on an all-expense paid trip to compete in-person. While in New York City all expenses will be covered (this includes food, lodging, and all events. This excludes travel costs to/from state of origin).

The competition runs in two divisions. Click here to view the rules.


For first-time Challenge competitors who have taken no more than one economics course.


For AP, international baccalaureate, and honors students (as well as any returning competitors).



Watch the NEC on Squawk Box!