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Mike Fladlien

Muscatine High School
Muscatine, IA

Listen to Mike Fladlien in this podcast from Talking Fin Lit as he discusses teaching students economics in his classroom.
Mike's podcast

Mr. Fladien is a business teacher at Muscatine High School in Muscatine, Iowa. He teaches law, economics, recordkeeping, and logistics. Mike says, "Economics has given me the tools to make sound decisions and interpret behavior. I have found that the sedulous study of economics has opened many doors of opportunity for me."

Mike further states, "Writing EconEdLink lessons has helped me become a better teacher. I have learned how to teach complex concepts efficiently while gaining insight, as well."

Published Resources

Your Credit Card

Students will compare credit cards by looking at the amount of interest they will incur when paying off the bala…

A Penny Saved

In this economics lesson, students will read and discuss the comic book, “A Penny Saved".