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Grade 9-12

What is a Stock? | Lesson Demo

Updated: June 30 2012,
Author: barrel jason



Open Video

This video is a classroom demonstration of Lesson 3: What is a Stock? from CEE’s Learning Earning and Investing for a New Generation publication (Lesson 4 in the previous version). The students work in small groups that represent households. Each household answers questions about stocks and stock markets. For each correct answer, a household earns shares of stock. At the end of the game, the groups that answered all questions correctly receive a certificate good for 150 shares of stock in The Stock Knowledge Company. They also receive dividends based on their shares. Those who answered fewer questions correctly receive fewer shares and smaller dividends. Finally, the students participate in a role playing activity to learn more about stocks. The video starts with an introduction by two educators describing the lesson, followed by a demonstration of the lesson being taught to teachers in the classroom.

This lesson was originally published in CEE’s Learning Earning and Investing for a New Generation, which introduces students to the world of personal finance through 21 lessons that provide active learning experiences to help students master the basics of investing. Visit the CEE Store for more information about the publication and how to purchase it.