Grades 6-8, 9-12
Grade 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, K-2
On-Demand Webinar
Black History Month: Black Wall Street and the Threat of Black Financial Stability
Time: 60 mins,
Presenter: William Anderson
Teachers will be able to:
- Describe the historical significance of “”Black Wall St.” in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the early 1900s.
- Discuss the pushback against the success of Tulsa’s Black section at the time.
- Analyze our country’s current circumstances in an effort to understand if the financial stability of minority groups is still a threat to power, and if so how and why?
This video is available to view for EconEdLink members only.
In this economics webinar, examine rise and fall of Black Tulsa, OK, and the historical implications of race in American financial success.
Greenwood, or “Black Wall Street,” a once thriving section of 1920s Tulsa, met its ultimate demise at the hand of White rioters. Work to answer the question: Why was Black financial stability a threat?
Begin to explore what the success of this Black neighborhood meant for the town’s White counterparts, and how racial minorities’ independence was, and potentially continues to be, a threat to White power structures in the United States.
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